8. How to Transform Pain? with Vidyamala Burch

8. How to Transform Pain? with Vidyamala Burch

Show notes

This episode is the second time we have visisted with Vidyamala Burch. Vidyamala is the co-founder of Breathworks in the UK, that specializes in helping people deal with pain, illness, and stress. Her life circumstances make her a unique powerful teacher. She lost the full use of her legs 45 years ago and uses crutches and a wheelchair for mobility for decades. She also lives with a paralyzed bowel and bladder. Despite that, you will see she is a radiant human being. This conversation is meant to help people face whatever circumstance they may be in, and perhaps even grow from it.

Contact Breathworks: https://www.breathworks-mindfulness.org.uk/



Jeremy Hunter

Jeremy Hunter

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