35. Mastering Money Part 2: How Much is Enough? with Spencer Sherman

35. Mastering Money Part 2: How Much is Enough? with Spencer Sherman

Show notes

Today’s guest is financial advisor Spencer Sherman

Today’s conversation with Spencer ended up being an exploration of ‘how much is enough”? This is the first of two parts and I think my monk friend would be satisfied that we cover everything you need to know.

Find out more about Spencer here https://www.spencer-sherman.com/

Spencer Sherman (MBA, CFP®) integrates the power of mindfulness and emotional intelligence with business and finance. As the founder and former CEO of Abacus, a values-driven financial consulting firm managing over $3 billion in assets, Spencer has transformed the lives of many, helping them forge stronger relationships with themselves and others to become more effective leaders and achieve financial success on their own terms.

After earning an MBA from Wharton, Spencer began a 35-year meditation practice – discovering along the way that the secret to professional success in finance, aside from proficiency with “the numbers,” is cultivating emotional intelligence and a resilient, flexible mind.



Jeremy Hunter

Jeremy Hunter

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